Broadband Updates

Thank You for Taking the 2021 Broadband Survey
The 2021 Broadband Survey closed on Friday, April 30. The survey was  a fast and easy way for community members to let the Fox Islands Broadband Task Force know if they are in favor of the Town building and operating a municipally-owned high-speed internet network. The Vinalhaven Select Board met on May 11, 2021 to discuss, among other issues, the results of the survey. 1355 surveys were mailed to respondents as well as being available online. 555 surveys were returned.
Matt Jablonski, Island Institute Fellow working for the Town, presented the survey results, which showed 379 (68%) of respondents answered YES and 176 (32%) answered NO to the Survey's primary Question:
At Town Meeting or a Special Town Meeting, would you vote in favor of the Town borrowing up to $5,000,000 in order to build a municipally-owned and operated FTTH broadband network? 
Discussion followed with several on the Board remarking positively on the high response rate and the number of comments and questions contained in the returned surveys. It was decided that the next step should be a Public Hearing at which everyone, for or against municipal broadband, would have a chance to state their opinions and ask questions.
This Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, June 10 at 5pm at Smith Hokanson Auditorium, Vinalhaven School.
The presentation begins at 6:22 on the recording.
Broadband Campaign and Survey Background 
All about the Survey and the information behind it!
Broadband Campaign Meetings and Conversations
This past winter the Fox Islands Broadband Task Force (FIBTF) hosted a series of events and activities as part of their Community Broadband Campaign. The goal of the Campaign was to build interest and community consensus for a universal broadband solution for Vinalhaven.
Get Involved! Help Bring Universal Broadband to Vinalhaven 

Do you have troublesome internet? Maybe no internet at all? Has COVID highlighted your need to reliably work, school, and socialize from home? Want to be part of a broadband solution? Here are some ways you can get involved:

  1. Take the Broadband Speed Test. A Maine Broadband Coalition project, the broadband speed test is a simple way for Mainers to register internet speed by their location. The data collected is used to map an accurate picture of current and changing internet access in Maine. This valuable information can then be used by towns to clearly show where and how people are or are not receiving adequate internet.
  2. Share your stories. Share your data. What are your internet challenges? How would having fast reliable internet be a game changer for you? Are you a datageek? Maybe you've been collecting speed test data for years and are hoping to put that information to good use. FIBTF is collecting stories and collecting data, and we want to hear from you! Please reach out to Janann Sherman to share your insights and information.
  3. Be a Broadband Champion. Read the 2020 Broadband Report. Read the Tilson Study. Reach out to members of FIBTF. Let Town leaders know you care about a broadband solution for Vinalhaven. Talk to others who may not support universal broadband; listen and learn why. Share what you know and why you believe broadband is critical.
  4. Brush up on your Broadband Jargon! Check out our Broadband Glossary of terms created by Janann Sherman.
  5. Keep up to date with all Campaign happenings – receive updates from FIBTF in your email inbox by going to Subscribe and clicking on Fox Islands Broadband Task Force under News or Announcements.

Questions? Comments?
Contact Gabe McPhail
Town of Vinalhaven Community Development & Engagement Coordinator