Net Factory Site Reuse Committee

Check the Calendar for Committee meeting dates and times.
Go to the Committee's Google Drive Reports and Studies Folder to download any of the following documents:
The 2019 Downtown Master Plan recommends the Town determine the best use of the 1-acre Net Factory property at the corner of Windy Way and East Main Street by establishing a Net Factory Site Reuse Committee to investigate options and develop a long-term plan to redevelop the site.
The size of the property and the access it affords to public and private resources, make it highly attractive for reuse and has the potential to
meet one or more community needs related to community and economic development. The relocation of the Town Garage (Department of Public Works) to Louds Pit Road in 2021, and the upcoming intention of the Water District to transfer its portion* of the property to the Town in exchange for a 99 year lease on a new building to be constructed at the Wastewater Treatment Facility on Sands Road, will open up the site to potential redevelopment.
Many potential uses for the Net Factory property have been informally discussed:
  • The 2017 DART study proposed redeveloping the property into a multi-story community center that could provide ground-floor parking, meeting spaces, and workforce housing
  • An informal Community Center group that met prior to 2020 explored and discussed similar ideas
  • The Vinalhaven Housing Initiative has proposed developing housing on the site collaboration with Penquis
Besides housing the Water District Office, the property is currently being used for storage, parking, and the Swap Shop. While the Town cannot formally make any decisions about what the future use of the site will be until they are in full ownership of the property, the Net Factory Site Reuse Committee will explore:
  • Existing studies and conditions that may help inform the highest and best use of the property
  • Community needs, wants, and opinions about the future use of the property
  • Potential collaborative opportunities with current and future community initiatives
  • Gaps between what is currently known and still needs to be assessed about the potential future use of the property
Having the above information will prepare the Select Board to make informed decisions about how to move forward once the Town is in full ownership of the property.
Catherine Haley


Samantha Thompson


Darline Beckman
Eric Davis
Pat Lundholm
Rachel Noyes
Margaret Qualey
Alexandra Young
Donald Young
Susan Philbrook


Chad Lazaro

Youth Representative

Payton Warren

Youth Representative